1,302 research outputs found

    Characterization of adnexal masses using multidetector contrast-enhanced CT scan - recognising common pitfalls that masquerade as ovarian cancer

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    Adnexal masses are growths that form near the uterus; the majority being ovarian tumours. Although there is no established population-screening tool for detecting ovarian cancer, ultrasound and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) are useful imaging tools in the management of adnexal masses. Our study aimed to determine the characteristics of malignant adnexal masses on CECT scan and to describe common pitfalls in diagnosis of ovarian cancer when interpreting images. We also determined the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosing ovarian cancer using CECT. A retrospective study was conducted in Hospital Serdang using data from all patients who underwent CECT scan and detected with adnexal masses, and had histopathological examination correlation from January 2013 until January 2015. Out of the 64 cases analysed; the majority of malignant lesions were serous carcinoma of the ovary (40%). The CECT scan characteristics, tumour consistency of mixed type, presence of wall enhancement, septations, ascites and peritoneal nodule/omental caking were significantly associated with ovarian malignancy (p<0.05). The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of CECT scan was 95.45%, 71.43%, 63.63% and 96.77% respectively. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan is a good, non-invasive method to diagnose ovarian cancer. By using a pro-forma document as a guide, good results can be achieved to help differentiate between benign and malignant lesions. Nevertheless, caution needs to be exercised in interpreting cases that mimic features of malignancy

    Pathological test type and chemical detection using deep neural networks:a case study using ELISA and LFA assays

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    Purpose: The gradual increase in geriatric issues and global imbalance of the ratio between patients and healthcare professionals have created a demand for intelligent systems with the least error-prone diagnosis results to be used by less medically trained persons and save clinical time. This paper aims at investigating the development of image-based colourimetric analysis. The purpose of recognising such tests is to support wider users to begin a colourimetric test to be used at homecare settings, telepathology and so on. Design/methodology/approach: The concept of an automatic colourimetric assay detection is delivered by utilising two cases. Training deep learning (DL) models on thousands of images of these tests using transfer learning, this paper (1) classifies the type of the assay and (2) classifies the colourimetric results. Findings: This paper demonstrated that the assay type can be recognised using DL techniques with 100% accuracy within a fraction of a second. Some of the advantages of the pre-trained model over the calibration-based approach are robustness, readiness and suitability to deploy for similar applications within a shorter period of time. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to provide colourimetric assay type classification (CATC) using DL. Humans are capable to learn thousands of visual classifications in their life. Object recognition may be a trivial task for humans, due to photometric and geometric variabilities along with the high degree of intra-class variabilities, it can be a challenging task for machines. However, transforming visual knowledge into machines, as proposed, can support non-experts to better manage their health and reduce some of the burdens on experts.</p

    Effect of Grazing Supplementation on Some Reproductive Traits of Sudanese Nubian Goat

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    Abs tract: In this experiment twelve female Sudanes e Nubian goat kid s b o rn d uring the period between October 1998 to A ugus t 2000, to parent s tock rais e d o n t ra d itional pastroralis m, were us ed in completely randomized des ign to inves tigate the effect of grazing s upplementatio n on age and weight at sexual maturity, age and weight at firs t conception and age at firs t kid d in g . The average a g e a t puberty of female kids was 9.15 ± 0.17 months , while the average weight at puberty was 12.74 ± 1.37 kg. Nutritional supplementation did not s ignificantly affect both traits . The avera g e age at first conception was 10.86 ± 2.41 mo n t h s , with an average body weight of 15.10 ± 1.62 kg. The nutritional s upplementation exerted non-s ig n ificant effect on both traits . The average age at 1 kidding was 16.5 st ± 2.67 months . Nutritional supplementation had non-s ignificant effect on age at 1 kidding. s

    Deriving optimal silicon neuron circuit specifications using Data Assimilation

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    Mixed signal neuromorphic circuits represent a promising technology for implementing compact and ultra-low power prosthetic devices that can be directly interfaced to living tissue. However, to accurately emulate the dynamical behavior of the biological tissue, it is necessary to determine the optimal set of specifications and bias parameters for these circuits. In this paper we show how this can be done for a silicon neuron design, by applying a statistical Data Assimilation method (DA). We present a conductance-based silicon neuron based on the Mahowald-Douglas (MD) design and use the DA method to estimate its state variables and the ion channels parameters, so that it can accurately emulate the properties of biological neurons involved in the Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) responsible for producing the respiratory and heart-rate rhythms. While previous work has shown how DA well-estimates and predicts parameters from membrane voltage measurements using a semi-empirical Hodgkin-Huxley neural model, here we show how the same method is suitable for simplified Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit designs and demonstrate how it allows us to reliably predict the response of the MD neuron to different input current profiles

    Migrant Labour Mobility And The Right To Portable Social Security In Asean Countries: A Legal Perspective

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    Each year estimated six million currently residing in other ASEAN member states. The majority of migrants are low-skilled, and many are irregular. Cambodia, Lao Democratic People’s Republic,Myanmar, Indonesia, Viet Nam and the Philippines are identified as the sending countries while Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam are the receiving countries. As mentioned by the ILO (International Labor Organization), migration should be a choice rather than a necessity. While migration may provide a route out of poverty, it is important to balance the promotion of migration with appropriate protection measures. The 2007 Declaration on the rights of migrant workers acknowledges the obligation for receiving states to “facilitate access to justice and social welfare states as appropriate and in accordance with the national legislation of the receiving state” and to “promote fair and appropriate employment protection, payment of wages, and adequate access to decent working and living conditions” (ASEAN, 2007: §7 & §8). However, the concern is that the Declaration contains no explicit actions towards the establishment of portability schemes for social security benefits. This paper will explore on the reasons why portable social security would be the means to enable the free –flow of goods, services, investment, labors (skilled and low-wages) and capital in this region as envisage in the ASEAN Blueprint planning. Social security being a form of social protection is upheld as a migrant labor right by the International Labor Organization, and its establishment is a necessity and await by all migrant labors. The paper will also determine the possible ways how the portable schemes can be accomplished and taking into account the state members’ sovereignty and delimitation concurrently. Migration management strengthening and protecting the rights of migrants may become the decisive approach in understanding the need for a portable social security which corresponds to the ASEAN Economic enhancement goals

    Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 2

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    This book, the second of a three-volume work in natural science for secondary school students, consists of three chapters. Energy is that which stirs our world to life and is so much in demand today. "energy, dynamics and motion" is thus the theme of CHAPTER 1, which explores the various forms and sources of energy created by Allah the most gracious, the different technologies available on how best to harness them and the problems associated with these. The vehemently debated nuclear energy is allotted a special focus keeping in view of all the implications, responsibilities and precautions. With energy, there is force, which in turn sets matter in motion with or without us realising it. The chapter elaborates on dynamics, support in the structures of organisms and the physiology of their movements, followed by an exploration of the physics of motion. CHAPTER 2 looks into the details of "electricity and magnetism", the interplay between the two, the generation of electricity and the various applications of electro-magnetism. This is followed by the subject of lights, a form of energy in the family of electromagnetic radiation. Included in the discussions on light is colour, and sight – the God-given aperture that lets us perceive the beautiful world that he created. The discussions on energy continues in CHAPTER 3 with the theme "chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and equilibria", providing the foundation for understanding chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, with a thorough treatment on rates of reactions. The subject of equilibrium apparent in every level of cosmic existence as a sign (ayah) of the grandeur of the plan, order and intelligence of Allah’s creativeness, artistry and impeccable design. The chapter concludes with a brief qualitative reflection on entropy

    Assay Type Detection Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

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    The colourimetric analysis has been used in diversified fields for years. This paper provides a unique overview of colourimetric tests from the perspective of computer vision by describing different aspects of a colourimetric test in the context of image processing, followed by an investigation into the development of a colorimetric assay type detection system using advanced machine learning algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to define colourimetric assay types from the eyes of a machine and perform any colorimetric test using deep learning. This investigation utilizes the state-of-the-art pre-trained models of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to perform the assay type detection of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and lateral flow assay (LFA). The ELISA dataset contains images of both positive and negative samples, prepared for the plasmonic ELISA based TB-antigen specific antibody detection. The LFA dataset contains images of the universal pH indicator paper of eight pH levels. It is noted that the pre-trained models offered 100% accurate visual recognition for the assay type detection. Such detection can assist novice users to initiate a colorimetric test using his/her personal digital devices. The assay type detection can also aid in calibrating an image-based colorimetric classification

    An intelligent mobile-enabled expert system for tuberculosis disease diagnosis in real time

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    This paper presents an investigation into the development of an intelligent mobile-enabled expert system to perform an automatic detection of tuberculosis (TB) disease in real-time. One third of the global population are infected with the TB bacterium, and the prevailing diagnosis methods are either resource-intensive or time consuming. Thus, a reliable and easy–to-use diagnosis system has become essential to make the world TB free by 2030, as envisioned by the World Health Organisation. In this work, the challenges in implementing an efficient image processing platform is presented to extract the images from plasmonic ELISAs for TB antigen-specific antibodies and analyse their features. The supervised machine learning techniques are utilised to attain binary classification from eighteen lower-order colour moments. The proposed system is trained off-line, followed by testing and validation using a separate set of images in real-time. Using an ensemble classifier, Random Forest, we demonstrated 98.4% accuracy in TB antigen-specific antibody detection on the mobile platform. Unlike the existing systems, the proposed intelligent system with real time processing capabilities and data portability can provide the prediction without any opto-mechanical attachment, which will undergo a clinical test in the next phase.</p

    Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 3

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    Volume three, the last of a three-volume work on natural science for secondary school students, consists of three chapters. CHAPTER 1 carries the theme "management of the environment, balance, sustainability and the continuity of life". It starts with an elaboration of biodiversity followed by the nature of interdependence among living things and the environment. What naturally follow are matters of concern in regards to the preservation and conversation of the environment, which are of great importance and pivotal concern in the qur'anic worldview. The world around us is visualised through our senses. Since our daily living depends on them, the matter of nutrition and production of food is dealt with. The physiological functions of living things on which life depends so much, such as circulation, reproduction, coordination and heredity are elaborated upon. CHAPTER 2 discusses broad aspects of "technology and development". These include the physics of strength and stability, machine, information and communication technology, chemicals in industry, food production, food technology, biotechnology and the developments of various synthetic material used in industries. Technological knowhow, awareness, accountability and responsibility are the key elements stressed. "Astronomy and space exploration" being the theme of CHAPTER 3, the last chapter of this work, looks at the bigger picture of the universe. It traverses the inner and outer regions of our solar system and into space with a glimpse of the star and galaxies that litter the vastness of the universe with their beautiful twinkling lights that have been the subject of intrigue, awe and wonder; guiding caravans of travellers, ships and scientists since ancient time. Thus N.S.W.V.Q. concludes with a gesture that welcomes learners of all to unlock their hearts and read the signs of Allah the most gracious in his two books - the Qur’an and the cosmos..